26Apr/15 TOUCH Decorative artwork on fabric, wall, wallpaper, t-shirt. Mix media /Read More… Sharing is sexy: abstraction, art print, artwork, black, collage, decorative pattern, decorative pattern on the T-shirt, design on T-shirt, erotic art, erotic artwork, erotic drawing, erotic dreams, erotic graphic, erotic illustration, erotica, eroticism, hand, human, interior decoration, interior design, love, lovers, man, Naviculus Erotic Art, touch, vertical, wall decor, wall stickers, white, woman
11Apr/15 THE LAST TEMPTATION Artwork on the basis of my original drawing. Decorative pattern. Sharing is sexy: art print, artwork, black, color, decorative pattern, decorative pattern on the T-shirt, erotic art, erotic artwork, erotic drawing, erotic graphic, erotic illustration, erotica, eroticism, gray, horizon, human, interior decoration, man, Naviculus Erotic Art, pink, t-shirt printer, the last temptation, vector illustration, wall decor, wall stickers, woman